Freshman year has gone by so fast. My friends and I talk about the beginning of the year, how we met, how our styles are...the list goes on forever. But we never talked about all the work we've done and the goals we reached, yet. So I guess, the class of Orange Stream is doing that now?
Let’s start off with the basic reflection question: “What do you feel your portfolio says about you as a 9th grade English student? What are we as viewers supposed to “get”/understand about you when we see your work?” Well the answer to that question, is that my ninth grade portfolio shows how I’ve used all of the skills I’ve learned to show my best work. Throughout the year, I’ve learned how to write in present tense and how to incorporate literary devices, SAT prep vocabulary, and how to incorporate (how my teacher says) the meat and potatoes in with writing. I want the viewers of my work to see my growth in writing of how I went from a shy, doubtful, insecure writer to a bold, present speaking, confident writer thanks to the help of Ms. Dunn and Ms. Findlay. In the beginning I started off hard, learning how to interpret quotes from Shakespeare’s Macbeth. Then we moved on to a more fun type of writing with literary devices and the memoir vignette of my most memorable experience with ice-skating. My third quarter benchmark was similar with the Macbeth quote analysis but it was a lot harder because there was more expected from us with analyzing quotes and stating thesis statements. All in all, I just hope the viewer sees my growth and my established writing as the viewer goes deeper into my portfolio. I’ve been learning up to this moment. This is the moment where I get to show how I can show my work in a more advanced way.
I bet you guys are all wondering if I laughed looking back at my quarter one, two, and three’s work, right? Well, I did because of the little grammar mistakes I could’ve fixed with the help of Spell Check (Spelling and Grammar), and how I didn’t double check my work. One of the funniest papers I had to reread was the Quarter 1 Independent Reading Paper. We were supposed to hand in a hard copy and I forgot to hand in the last page of the report so I ended up with a grade of 75% on it. Nevertheless, after gathering all of my work on a Word Document along with spell checking my work and reading over for a second time, I can say that I used my new and improved writing skills to update my old work. And boy, have I come a long way.

After killing King Duncan in Act 2.2, Macbeth is guilty for what he has done and when Lady Macbeth comes back from planting the daggers on King Duncan’s guards, she tells him: “My hands are your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white”(Act 2, Scene 2, Page 29, Line 69-70). She is telling him that she has also helped with this act and she feels nothing for the King and heshouldn’t either. But, Macbeth on the other hand, has guilt and regrets what he did to the King and his guards. This is showing that Macbeth has guilt for doing the King. He still thinks that since the King gave him that high of a position and Macbeth repaid him by killing him and framing the men of his chamber, the King’s guards.
In Act 3.1, Banquo suspects Macbeth of killing King Duncan by saying: “As upon thee, Macbeth, their speechless shine – why, by the verities on thee made good, may they not be my oracles as well and set me up in hope? But hush, no more.”(Act 3, Scene 1, Page 39, Line 7-10)Banquo is putting all of the pieces together: the killing of the king and his men, Macbeth’s reaction, and what Macbeth’s role is changed too. Therefore, Macbeth thinks that Banquo knows too much for his own good and has Murders kill Banquo and Fleance. This shows that Macbeth has changed, now with the power of being king. Macbeth will do anything to stay in such high power, that he would kill his best friend without thinking twice, like he did when killing King Duncan.
In Act 1.3, in Macbeth’s soliloquy he talks about killing Banquo and Fleance for not only knowing about Macbeth killing King Duncan but also getting in the way of Macbeth’s way of staying king. He states: “Our fears in Banquo stick deep, and in his royalty of nature reign that which would be feared. ‘Tis much he dares; And to that dauntless temper of his mind he hath wisdom that doth his valor act in safety. There is none but he whose being I do fear…”(Act 3, Scene 1, Page 41, Line 49-73). To summarize the soliloquy, Macbeth says he has deepened his suspicions Banquo of knowing what he did to Duncan; the witches’ prophecy of Banquo’s line of kings, and no son of Macbeth is becoming king. But Macbeth thinks he has a good reason for killing Banquo: Banquo knows too much for his own good and therefore he must go. Macbeth is now turning power hungry. He can now kill his best friend for the power of king.
In Act 4.1, Macbeth is at it yet again! Killing his best friend for power and greed and the people his friend loves too. Heartless for the second time! He states: ”The castle of Macduff I will surprise, seize upon fife, go to th’ edge o’ th’ sword his wife, his babies, and all unfortunate souls that trace him in his line”. Macbeth is getting even greedier with power; he is going to killMacduff and his family. Before reading this scene, I thought that Lady Macbeth would provoke him to get more power but it turns out that Macbeth, himself is just trying to satisfy power hungry mind of state at this point. The words that fit him right now are power hungry, evil, and paranoid.
While Malcolm is talking to Macduff, in Act 4, Scene 3, Page 75, Lines 56-58, Malcolm is trying to convince Macduff that Macbeth is not the same anymore, that he is more evil than the devil, himself. He quotes: “Of horrid hell can come a devil more damned in evils to top Macbeth.” in Act 4.3. Everyone around Macbeth knows that he killed King Duncan, Banquo, and the family of Macduff. Macbeth’s character similar to the devil. He is killing for power and he has nothing to lose.
In Act 5, Scene 2, Page 86, Line 17, while going to Dunsinane Castle to over throw Macbeth, Angus says: “Now does he feel his title hang loose about him, like a giants robe upon a dwarfish thief.” Meaning Macbeth’s title, as king is getting big but he is still small and blinded with power to see that he is going to die soon. Also, Angus calls him a “thief”, meaning Macbeth did not his title as king, fairly. He slaughtered his way to the top. Macbeth, to his friends/enemies/people is only doing what he says because they fear him. It is out of fear instead of love. Macbeth, at this point is too blinded bye power to see that he is going to die soon if he doesn’t loose his arrogance fast.
In Act 5.5, after Macbeth hears Lady Macbeth scream, he says: “I have almost forgot the taste of fears. The time has been my senses would have cooled to hear a night-shriek, and fell of hair would at a dismal treatise rouse and stiras life weren’t in’t. I have supped full with horrors. Direness, familiar to my slaughternous thoughts, cannot once start me.” He says he hasn’t felt fear in a long time because of the power he’d receive becoming king. He also says that the scream of Lady Macbeth shouldn't bring back memories of him killing off people in the past. This shows that Macbeth is somewhat realizing his change in person/character at this point in the play.
In Act 5.8, Macbeth tells Macduff he will not bow down to Malcolm. He says that he’d rather die than bow down to Malcolm. He exact words were: “I will not yield to kiss the ground before young Malcolm’s feet and to be baited with the rabble’s curse. Though Birnam Wood be to come to Dunsinane, and thou opposed, being no women born, yet I will try at last. Before my body I throw my war like shield, lay Macduff. And damned be him that first cries “Hold, enough!”” First, this shows that Macbeth still thinks he is all-powerful and does not need to bow down to anybody. He is still stuck up, even to the end, to the point where he is slain by Mac Duff.
Around 2-ish, we left Qdoba and headed out for the rink. The Septa driver was really nice because he took us straight to the bridge after we asked for directions. It never kills to be polite, right? When we got out, Mai and Hang wanted to take pictures of the on the bridge closest to the water, knowing that I have a fear of things dangling over deep places. Bridge + Over + Water = one PARANOID little Ellen who could barely tread water in place! (Exaggeration) Ah, I was freaking out telling them to hurry up but Mai pulled me over and Hang took the pictures. You might say, Vy was just there.
Finally, we got off that death trap and walk to the Penn’s Landing Rink and purchased our tickets and skate rentals. After putting on the skates, Hang and I went to the “Oh SO clean bathrooms, they have there at the rink. (Sarcasm) We found Mai and Vy in the amassing (Vocabulary) crowds of people in at the skate rental desks.
Nervousness, impatience, and a body full of butterflies were running free within me, (Magic 3) I put one skate on the ice, leaving my other skate on the ramp, and my hands clinging onto the wall post. (Magic 3) As excited as I was, I inched my way closer to the ice. You know what that feeling is when you're first on the ice and you have no balance, friction, or courage (Magic 3)? Yes, well that's what I had and it was like times two hundred…thousand (Exaggeration)! I looked like a penguin scratching my nose with my feet. I was soon going to look like a penguin sliding on the ice on my back. (Simile) But some how all those lessons my cousin tried giving me paid off, all of those fears were gone, and I finally got back my courage. (Magic 3) My cousins on the other hand were not as skilled, like sea lions that put their flippers up trying to grab onto something. (Simile) I skated away laughing at them.
Mai soon found a nice guy that could actually skate and put up with their sea lion ways. (Part of the Simile) We took pictures to capture the memories and I skated away in fear that they would grab on to me like vultures on a baby rabbit. (Simile) Vy wasn't the best skater, it was her first time actually. She wasn't as balanced and scared to make a tiny mistake like falling on her butt. I could see that she was as wary (Vocabulary) as a baby bird first taking off, spreading it’s own wings, and leaving the comfort zone of what she in this case calls balance. (Magic 3 and Simile) I saw her take one round with the nice guy and when we saw them, they were on the ice squirming around to get Vy back up on her skates but it took a good three minutes (Metaphor). Mai and I almost fell ourselves, from laughing so much at the desperate little sea lion (Continuation of the Simile). When they came back around, we apologized to the nice guy and thanked him.
Then, Mai was offered another round with Hang and the nice guy. I guess he got scared of Vy and her inept (Vocabulary) skills at staying balanced. Who knows, looking at them skate away, Mai and Hang aren't as bad as I thought. They’re pretty good at it with some help. I told Vy I'd be back after a few rounds and left her at the rim of the rink.
After ten circles, I searched for my cousins throughout the rink, but when I finally spotted them, Vy fell, bringing Mai down also. (Magic 3) Hang was there looking for me. At first I wanted to laugh when I go there but, I couldn’t because Vy was in tears, cringed onto Mai, on the ice with a ton of onlookers taking pictures. (Magic 3) I found it totally rude and insolent (Vocabulary) that they took pictures of my cousin with out asking, but they still did it. Mai told me we had to leave and take Vy home. I was so sad, I'd barely skated and now I had to go? But I thought about Vy and her leg was like a jigsaw puzzle. Even if the session was free, I still thought that we could have made the best of it. The situation was serious because Hang dragged me off the ice to get Vy's things after the rink crew came and called the ambulance. As I was being dragged away, I saw Vy’s face and her tears and snot made her face lustrous (Vocabulary) as it shinned from the light. Her face was in anguish (Vocabulary) and wrenching pain as she held Mai like a bulwark (Vocabulary & Simile) to the world, hiding, weeping, defenseless. (Magic 3) To me, it was inconceivable (Vocabulary), that this once conscientious (Vocabulary) and careful girl could cry so much. After we got her UGGs from the rented locker, I was put in charged of calling her parents, 911, and my parents. Not only was I doing that but also I had to hold everything, keep Vy calm, and keep myself sane. I think I may have over reacted when her dad picked up because:
Hello? Mai, what's wrong?
Hey, Ye Son? Um, we're going to the hospital because Vy broke her leg!
What!? Why what happened?!
She fell on her knee and broke it. You have to come RIGHT NOW! She's in tears and can't more. I think she's paralyzed or something! Here talk to Hang!
*passes phone to Hang*
Soon the ambulance and paramedics come and try to load Vy, who I was calling the 'wailing girl', in to the ambulance but she's to scared so they tell her to hold it in and then they carefully but swiftly picked her up and put her onto the stretcher and push her into the car. Mai, Hang, and I then asked one of the paramedic (Magic 3) if we could go because:
A. We had no ride because we took the bus and it's been a long day.
B. Vy was gripping Mai's hand like a boa constrictor and wouldn't let go with her boo hoo hoo's. (Onomatopoeia)
And lastly, we had enough of walking places.
Anyway, the paramedics said yes to us squeezing into the right side of the car. As we were on our way to the hospital, one of the men in the ambulance tried making the situation a bit lighter. He cracked jokes, and everyone laughed, well besides Vy.
Vy: WHAT! *Starts wailing some more*
*everyone else laughs besides Vy*
Coll: you know girls only get hurt. Like what's wrong with you girls? We picked up like eight today because they all got hurt.
Mai, Hang, and I: oh you don't want to touch it right now. It'll just cry, but do you want to take a picture for us?
Vy: WHAT!!?! No PICTURES! What's wrong with you guys? You guys are sick.
Then when we got there, Vivian was rushed into one of the rooms, “Fast Track” to be exact. As we were walking with Vy, I saw that the hospital’s Fast Track area was quite fruitless and barren (Vocabulary). It made me sad that not only adults come here but kids do. Wouldn’t you want something more optimistic for your child that was hurt? An insolent(Vocabulary) male doctor sternly told us to sit down and stalked off. We figured he was in a bad mood or just had no bedside manners. Mai, for one took offense and it seemed to me that blew her lid. (Metaphor) She kept saying of how she would gain vengeance (Vocabulary) by writing a report and talking to him, but she never did because she too was in the medical field. She’s a student nurse and was glad she didn’t apply for internship at this hospital. In the middle of this, I tried cracking some jokes but it was a fail because:
Mai: I don't get the joke.
Me: it's cause you're too pissed too!
Mai: ha, very funny.
The doctor had told us we could finally see our cousin, after an hour of waiting. As we walked up, Vy seemed a little strange. She had seemed a bit spaced out. When we finally got her attention, she was insulting all 3 of us. She made fun of Mai's buttons, Hang's hair, and my laughter. (Magic 3) It’s more that when a situation is serious, I start to laugh because I’m too nervous or most of the times, it’s stage two of my freak out. It was quite hilarious. The reason for her behavior was that she had to get some morphine in her body through the IV tap, in order to pop her knee back in place and not have it hurt.
Little did we know, we were soon kicked out of her room because they had to take in-bed x-rays. Mai told me that we couldn't be in there because of the radiation that could make the hair on your head fall out. And of course with my over reacting flaws, I back away to the waiting area way past where Mai and Hang were and wait there until Mai calls me over to tell me it was over. We visit Vy again and she isn't as loopy but she still noticed that we all have our cameras out to take pictures of her.
She noticed that her mom isn't here but my aunt was started to worry but Mai lightened the mood by telling her that we can get her a Durian cake as a get well present. I liked that idea, a lot. An hour later, Vy's mom came and we left. Vy's dad drove me to my mom's job, Nails By Chau, and I sat on one of the pedicure chairs as I waited for my dad to come pick us up. As I waited, I thought about how silly I acted: the over-reacting heart attack-giving calls, and of course my love for the fruit, durian. (Magic 3) I also thought about how my family’s view on ice-skating would change because of Vy and how they would forbid me to go ice-skating again. This was going to be a long night of explanations and stating my case of why I still should go ice-skating!
Seems like word of Vy got around even to my dad's side. And like I said they would, my family told me that I wasn't allowed to go ice-skating anymore and I replied with: "At least I can fall on my butt and not on my knees!” My family was in total agreement with me except for my dad who told me about when he busted his butt when he went roller-skating. A little girl fell in front of him and he didn't want to run her over so he cradled up, closed his eyes, and took a leap for it. Landed on his butt and he waddled home on the subway with his busted butt. My dad always has his funny "back in my day..." stories. (Dialogue)
The next night, Bree and Diego sneak out and follow Riley to a building. They hear him fill in her (Victoria) and then the “cloak people”(Volturi) come and ponder about Victoria’s plan of attack. Jane gives her exactly fives days to put her army in action! Diego goes and tells Riley about his thoughts and Bree goes back to the house. On the day of the fight, Fred tells Bree to run away with him and she declines the offer in wait for her “mate”, Diego. When her coven sees the “yellow eyes”, they go into battle for Bella but Bree soon realizes that her coven will end in defeat, so when the blonde vampire, Carlisle approaches her, Bree surrenders and is watched by Jasper. The Volturi come and act like they don’t know anything but Bree knows other-wise, so she tries to warn the “Mind Reader” about Jane’s lies and after she did all she could, the book ends in sorrows.
For me, I couldn’t relate to the book except having feelings for that special someone and I am a fan of mythical creatures. With out that relationship with the book and I, I think that I wouldn’t have been able to relate to the book. One reason is that the book is based off of myths, and if you aren’t into the myth genre then you wouldn’t be that interested due to the author’s choice of choosing it to be a vampire love story, short life, and vignette. Another reason is that the book is just like a vignette in Bree’s after life, which didn’t last so long. The last reason is that it felt like the book was taking forever to get to the conflict, which near the end lost my interest.
Dear Freedom Writer Entry 46,
I totally agree with you. About how you say:
- · Your friends are good
- · Your dad being racist.
- · Race doesn’t matter.
- · And that you can’t pick your friends.
I’m somewhat in your position too. I have really diverse friends. In the beginning of the year, I tried to base my life off my cousin, Joanna, because I liked how her and her friends related but then I realized that it was stupid of me to live someone else’s life. Trying to be some one else, when I ‘m only Ellen. I tried making all my friends the same race, henceforth the “Asian Mofia”. I liked it at first but then as it got into October I realized some other people who came into my life that were really important,: family, Tyler, Teige, Henry, Willie, Jamie, Dakota, and Matthew. They are black, white, or Mexican. So you can see, race isn’t an issue for me anymore. Also, people who were in my life before who I never really noticed that cared so much about me. When I was at my old school, I had so much fun with my friends. But that changed because only four of them came with me. Now, I only talk to two of them, Henry and Teige (Henry is AWESOME!). I can honestly say that I would rather have diverse friends rather then having trying to have all Asian friends because I learn more about the world. Almost like stepping out of my comfort zone and stepping into the real world.
My parents and family always tell me to watch out and be careful. They tell me that I’m too trusting with people and believe everything. I reply to them with: “If I know your life and you know mine. Why can’t I trust you?” They say friends can back stab you and trick you, which is true. But I think I learned that the friends I have with me right now are fun and trust worthy. Also, you should know that if you do lie to me about something serious, I won’t ever trust you like I did before, and you’ll somewhat leave my life…forever!
I’m like a psychiatrist to my friends. They can tell me anything and I’ll keep it to myself and give them back advice and somewhat make sure they follow it. I like that people tell me things because it shows that they actually care enough to tell me things and know that they can trust me. I like trust. It’s like another step on building a relationship with somebody.
As for your dad being racist, my parent always asks me about my friends. Even though, I talk about them all the time. They want to know more. I think today was the day where my parents realized why I talk to Dakota so much and get mad when they always ask me if she’s ‘good’. But they met her mom today and I told me that I could hang out with her. I think the best way of letting your dad know that you’re friends are good is to let them meet him.
So in some ways, our lives to follow the same rode.
- For me, if you grow up with a supportive family in a good neighborhood, then you will turn out okay. It always depends on the people you hang out with and what you chose to do with your path of life. I grew up with a family that showed and taught me everything that I needed to know to do well and do my best in everything. My family is very supportive. My neighborhood, as a child is a very quiet neighborhood and my neighbors and I are all very close. We all look out for one another and chose to keep our neighborhood safe. All in all, if you are taught well and you have an understanding of what is right and what is wrong, then you have a well shaped person and if you do not then there is a likely chance that the person you become won’t be as good as you can be.
So below is what I think of Penelope's Myth, the summary of the myth, and the significance of the myth. The class of orange had the option of doing a hard copy or a digital copy of a myth with Ms. Findlay.

Could you last 20 years away from your husband, raising your son alone, and being chased after men for who knows how long? Penelope knows that feeling, she was left at Ithaca with Telemachus while Odysseus, went off to war at Troy and meeting people like: gods, goddess, nymphs, and sorceress. Through out all of this, Penelope stayed faithful to her husband, who on the other hand was not faithful at all.
Penelope was known for her faithfulness to Odysseus, patience with the Suitors, and feminine qualities that were held together through out all of those years. She was not only all of that but she was wise like Odysseus too, Penelope hatched a plan that could hold off the suitorsuntil Odysseus got back to take back his place as the man of the house and to kick out these insolent, free-loading suitors.
This plan was a favorite and well-known myth that got her in trouble. Here’s how it starts off:
Penelope, the wife of Trojan War hero Odysseus and daughter of Prince Icarius of Sparta and the nymph Periboea, was the first child Icarius and Periboea. Periboea, knowing that Icarius wanted a son, hid Penelope as soon as she was born. But Icarius soon found out about Penelope’s existence, and threw her into the sea to drown. Fortunately, a family of ducks rescued her from drowning and seeing this as an omen, Icarius named his first daughter Penelope, meaning “ducks” in Greek. Penelope grew up to be her father’s favorite child because of her infant omen from the god. She went off to marry and live with Odysseus on the island of Ithaca, where they had their first son, named Telemachus. After Telemachus’ arrival, Odysseus had to leave for war, which left Penelope and his son back on Ithaca for what they thought would be ten years but soon turned into twenty years.
During this time, Penelope stayed faithful to her husband and raised their son with the company of arrogant suitors. Penelope, knowing her husband would return to be by her side one day, put off the suitors’ plea for her hand in marriage and the throne of Ithaca. She told them that she would marry as soon as she completed a shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes. She was making the shroud because he suffering because of the absence of Odysseus. During the day, Penelope would weave the shroud in the day time but then secretly take it apart at night and that went on for three years until one of her servants revealed Penelope’s lies to everyone and she had to finish her trick. Soon that, Penelope’s suitors became antsy and they insisted on her hand in marriage. Penelope decided that she would marry the man who could shoot an arrow through the loops on a row of twelve axe heads. When Odysseus arrived back home to Ithaca, he disguised himself as a beggar because he wanted to see how his kingdom was doing before he came back as the hero Odysseus, himself. Odysseus, disguised as the beggar, won the archery contest and then killed all of the suitors, who were planning to kill Telemachus when he came back from his journey of searching for his father, At first Penelope wouldn’t believe that Odysseus was her husband because gods hid his identity from her. However, Odysseus revealed his true identity by telling Penelope a secret about their marriage that only they knew, and the loving couples were finally reunited as a family and a couple.
The significance of the Penelope’s Weaving myth is that she tries her hardest to keep the hundreds of suitors away from her for twenty years. Which is a long enough time for her husband, Odysseus, to come to her aid and kill the suitors with their grown son, so Penelope doesn’t have to suffer anymore. Penelope was known for her quick and cunning thinking, so she put together a story for the suitors about Laertes’ suffering due to the long wait for his son. The shroud represented her faithfulness to Odysseus and patience in unraveling and reweaving the shroud for three years. She believed that she had control over her destiny and faith that her husband would one day returned and save her. It seems to me as though that once the shroud was done with, that the suitors were too. Odysseus would come back and deal with them in a not so nice way, murder.
This myth is well known because of the short snippets of which that are told in “The Odyssey” by Homer. And to me, so many people can relate to this myth. People have been at that time where they were put in on situation where they had to choose from what was given to them and what they truly wanted. Penelope was given a chance at a new marriage and husband but she refused them all knowing that Odysseus would soon one day return and Odysseus was what Penelope truly wanted after twenty years on Ithaca raising Telemachus with no help from the hundreds of suitors there. Also, this is a big part in the Odyssey because; this is the reason why Odyssey is trying to get home. To come home for his wife, Penelope, and his son, Telemachus, after twenty long years.
• Hunter, James. "Penelope." Encyclopedia Mythica. Greek People. 1997-2002. Web.
• Suomi, Paivi. "Greek - Goddess of Weaving." All Fiber Arts. Greek People. 2001. Web.
• "Penelope and Her Impact on Greek Art and Culture."The Role of Women in Ancient Greece. 2010. Web.
• Gill, N.S. "Odyssey II: Wily Penelope." About.com. Guide. 2000. Web.
This is really excellent, Ellen. Great energy, enthusiasm, reflection throughout, and polished pieces to cap off your 9th grade year in English. I've totally enjoyed your presence; thank you for brightening the room. I've appreciated learning from you!
ReplyDelete~Ms. Dunn